The Elite Recruitment Group and all limited companies within (Elite Traffic Management, Elite Civils, Elite Fleet and Aggrecycle) is committed to the provision of a quality service that fully conforms to the requirements of our customers. By consistently providing those services that meet or exceed customer expectations we will promote customer satisfaction and in turn achieve business success.
Elite Traffic Management Recruitment Limited. is committed to the implementation of a Quality Management System that fully complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, Highways Sector Schemes 12A, 12B, 12D; and any relevant statutory or industry standards including the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges; Volume 2 Section 2 Part 8 TD19/06
This will be achieved through the consistent application of a quality system, the three main objectives of the Elite Group, and hence all limited companies within, are as follows:
All other Elite Group objectives fall within the three aforementioned, overarching quality objectives are pay particular focus to:
This requires the adoption of procedures throughout the Company that are focused on meeting each department’s customer requirements. This is achieved by:
Management are responsible for developing, monitoring, and implementing procedures in their area of responsibility and for ensuring that this policy is understood and implemented throughout the Company. Every employee has responsibility for the quality of their own work and for contributing to improvements in our services, and management processes and are driving to achieve our quality objectives. The quality policy provides a framework for setting objectives.
This policy will be displayed prominently throughout the Company and will be available externally to all interested parties on request. It will be kept up to date and will be amended to suit any changes in the size or nature of the Company’s activities. we shall review and update their Quality Policy and related documents in accordance with any technological innovations and market changes.
This is a controlled document for the Elite Group and has been signed by the Managing Director (Jordan Shepherd)
Elite Recruitment Group Limited Registered in England (Company Number:10808545) ©2024. Elite Recruitment Group. All Rights Reserved